It's all about the bucket list
So many people have laughed when we've talked about a bucket lit. "Really, before you die? Isn't that morbid?" For us, it's been all about the planning; people and places to share an extra moment with, simple moments to relive one last time, smelling the smells and feeling the feels.
We do not remember days, we remember moments. ~ Cesare Pavese
I was reading an article just the other day about bucket lists and I found a bit of clarity. I think that many of us spend so much time getting from point A to point Z that we don't take the time to appreciate or enjoy the process of getting there. I think our lives, in general, are so much faster-paced, that we're geared to get moving forward with the end in sight that we forget about enjoying the ride.
We've vacationed in Hawaii, our place to be, live, hang out, and refuel our crazy life. Kona has always been our place where we set aside everything and just "be". We've shared family times, graduation trips, took the entire family for the big guy's retirement, and renewed our wedding vows. We walked to the village every day, sat in a cafe or on an outdoor patio (and the big guy hates those) and watched the people, the culture, and the world go by. We met up with our favorite photographer, Charla Photography, to capture some special moments. We vacationed with reckless abandon because we felt that it would be our last visit.
Taking our grandson, Henry, the little prince, to Disneyland (not once but twice) was one of the highlights of being a grandparent. Seeing the joy on both Henry and the big guy's face was incredibly heartwarming! We rode the train around the park, walked around Toon Town, met THE Mickey Mouse, and ate everything we could that was shaped like Mickey Mouse (Thanks, Trish). Everyone suffered through "It's A Small World" for Nan/me with Henry exclaiming, "Look at all the children, Nan!"
The Monterey Penninsula has been a special place for us as a couple. It was our first big trip together, we got engaged at the Lone Cypress on the 17-mile Drive, and we've eaten more clam chowder in a sourdough bowl than you can even imagine. We sit and listen to the seals chat, beg and argue near the wharf, the waves crash on the beach, and watch the birds skim across the bay "doing their bird thang".
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Baseball Hall of Fame and Washington D.C. trip was our first "Me drive, you just be a passenger" as a couple. I'll be a little honest, it took a while for my co-pilot to settle in and be a co-pilot. With the Wonder Dog in tow, we negotiated several states in as many days, survived driving in New York and New Jersey, and enjoyed the freedom of the open road.
But it's also not about the big trips. It's taking time to enjoy the small moments; Henry played Joseph in the christmas play at school, the kids have all settled into adult life and are making their own memories that we can set back and enjoy from the sidelines, the Cubs won the World Series, Cheap Trick is in the R&R Hall of Fame, and life is great.
We don't have a time clock, but time is ticking, some days seem faster than others. I do know that when the time comes to say good-bye, we've enjoyed the finest parts of life and the big guy has had the opportunity to enjoy his best moments.